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Daryl Wor Locked account

Joined 1 year, 9 months ago

I'm picky and read slowly, but I do love books. I love audiobooks and am so pleased to finally be a part of that world via

I'd say more but too many people "know" who I am, and that understanding has always been up for debate. (Even stranger is barely anyone gets in touch with me to ask.) ^_^

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2024 Reading Goal

83% complete! Daryl Wor has read 5 of 6 books.

commented on The Fairacre festival by Miss Read

Miss Read: The Fairacre festival (1974, Penguin) No rating

Chapter Two: The damage is assessed to find the cost of repairing the church. I remember so well the second fellow who kept throwing in constant disclaimers about the first man's estimate over the cost and eventually the words "Your little bit of trouble" And DUE to that summary when it's obviously a HUGE problem, the vicar expresses that he doesn't wish to be unkind but he hopes, "I may never see that man again. Our little bit of trouble indeed!" Then the rallying round of how to raise the money and all the falderal over that, my goodness!

Miss Read: The Fairacre festival (1974, Penguin) No rating

Got through chapter one and the sad vicar interrupted in the middle of him shaving WITH shaving CREAM! Always makes me wonder how one copes with having to desist the chore to see something tragic. Poor Vicar Partridge, and loved the line for the storm, "And the cat! He WOULD go out!" and the nieghbours suspecting he'd been blown out of the parish, larger area than the village of Fairacre.

Beverly Cleary: Otis Spofford (Paperback, 1990, Avon Camelot) 4 stars

There was nothing Otis Spofford liked better than stirring up a little excitement. In fact, …

Last chapter and the obnoxious Otis gets MAJOR comeuppance, dang! As much as readers can dislike a protagonist, yep! He'll be getting his soon enough, mainly Ellen and Austine but others join in the brigade, so to speak.

commented on Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary: Otis Spofford (Paperback, 1990, Avon Camelot) 4 stars

There was nothing Otis Spofford liked better than stirring up a little excitement. In fact, …

Chapter Five: That was a bit dubious in which some first nations inaccuracy abounds as it would in the mid 20th century. Either way that makes little difference to Otis making a massive boo-boo in which Ellen's hair gets cut and a bit too much of it, I guess we'll find out in the next chapter how the dude from the main office is going to wail on Otis...

commented on Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary: Otis Spofford (Paperback, 1990, Avon Camelot) 4 stars

There was nothing Otis Spofford liked better than stirring up a little excitement. In fact, …

Chapter Four: Weird bit with him and Stewy attempting to do the science homework for a high school football player by collecting bugs for him and then battling over who gives him his collection and a goofy bit where a younger kid, Bucky, is also helping out Otis as he admires him.

Beverly Cleary: Otis Spofford (Paperback, 1990, Avon Camelot) 4 stars

There was nothing Otis Spofford liked better than stirring up a little excitement. In fact, …

Trtippy as heck to have both Ellen and Otis feeding the class rat feeling it was each own's pet! Ellen confessed first which rather drowned out Otis' confession, now their love for Mutt The Rat seems to be bringing them together as friends???

started reading Otis Spofford by Beverly Cleary

Beverly Cleary: Otis Spofford (Paperback, 1990, Avon Camelot) 4 stars

There was nothing Otis Spofford liked better than stirring up a little excitement. In fact, …

Got this one started today and Otis has as many or more annoying attributes than he did in the Ellen Tebbits book. Dude looks like he lives in a project and did mention there was no yard , so okay. There is some bullfighting thing the teacher suggests since the class has more boys than girls for dancing either lessons or some event. Otis was okay with it until he found out he was going to be one half of the bull rather than the bullfighter dude with the red cape thing going on. One would THINK he would have been the bull's rear-end but that job went to Stewie who isn't much better than Otis if at all. I awaited for Otis to rip one in the costume but it never happened. Oh well.